Money is draining your life

In our society, we could say that money is equal to power. Because with money you have the power to buy things or services. But that is not actually all.
What does really money means nowadays? In essence, since the fall of the gold standard, caused by the Nixon shock in 1971, money now is just a portion of debt. That’s it, for the last 50 years, a paper that means that you have a representation of a debt.
I recomend Ray Dalio’s talk, How The Economic Machine Works wich shows you a theory about how all the current economic system works and to undertand the money-credit-debt relation.
What is the value of money ?
To regularize this permanently growing economy, or creation of debt, entities like the ECB or the FED, reserve the right to inject or sell debt in the economy, managing inflation, the value of money.
This value of debt only has sense with another most important thing, the society. Without society, the value of debt has no sense, so money needs that representation of debt in society.
Imagine a world with only one person with all the current printed money of the world, it will still be a lonely ape with a lot of paper.
At macroeconomics scale, the amount money supply (M0-M3), you can see that the most amount of the global money-debt in the world, just does not physically exists, it’s just speculation. I will not enter if is moral or not.
But, you should not value debt as an individual. The debt is created and destroyed. And the money is printed and created (Deposits).

What is the most important asset?
In this society you need debt to live. So, you need to invest your time and energy to gain this debt.
So, what is the most important asset? Money or time?
You probably say time. OK. How much time do you invest into control your money accounting? Do you probably have a exel sheet with your gains and loss? And why do you not invest in controlling your time? Time management and productivity are just a part, but I’m talking about life in general.
From a very big abstracion perspective, you drain your lifetime in exchange for debt. How much of your most important asset are you willing to exchange from debt? How much actually are? How much would you like it to be? How much do you really need?
What can I do?
We have born in neo-capitalism and we will probably all die in this macabre game. Money is just part of the game, so money is not bad and is not the real enemy.
Do not overrate money, it is not the goal in life. Lost money or earn money should not affect you more than lost or gain time. Time is the most important asset.
You cannot multiply time. You may need less money than you think. On the other hand, in general, you can also multiply debt to get more time.

Time and society have more power than money. Society brings value to things.
Be very careful about how much, how and with whom you spend your time.
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