How Many Bits Do Character Encodings Use?

If we look at the Computer History, we can see that since the 1940s, characters have been represented in very different ways.
If we look at the Computer History, we can see that since the 1940s, characters have been represented in very different ways.
As the 50th anniversary of cohesion and coupling concepts I decided to read this book in order to refresh concepts and compare how things has change (or not) since that. This is a great book by Pedro Moreira Santos, Marco Consolaro & Alessandro Di Gioia published in 2018 about agile technical practices
This is an interesting and recommended book by Will Larson published in 2021 about Staff engineers roles.
Last week we noticed that in some of our production environments, a request was performing very bad times, more than 20 seconds to complete. After analyzing the case we could reduce this to 119 milliseconds. I would like to share the steps we made to reach this:
Some days ago we were designing a new feature using Azure Cosmos DB. We needed to query data filtering by 4 different IDs. After comparing a few options, we ended up wondering: What is the most efficient way to query this data?
5 Years ago Jimmy Bogard launches Vertical Slice architecture as an alternative to traditional Clean Architecture. So let’s take a look:
This is an awesome book by Jeff Patton published in 2014. It feels to me like a mandatory step in the product engineer path. Its has been an interesting process to digest this book and to put this technique and new thoughts in practice.
This weekend I had the opportunity to test GitHub Copilot and to play a little bit with it. And, yeah, it blew my mind.
In our team we where used to configure multiple Application Insights in our ASPNET Core applications, but some times it was not easy to find the resource name related to an instrumentation key. We where losing thime searching for the names manualy. In order to avoid this waste, we decided to generate an script based in the Azure Cli.